Competition Winners for 2019 Season

  • 1st August 2020

As there will be no club AGM for the 2019/2020 season, we extend our congratulations to the winners of this years competitions.

The winners are:

Lochend Trophy:
David Kerr
Lillian McIntyre
Alison Lees
Ian Snodgrass
Carlow Cup:
Alan Caldow
Jamie/Lisa Mason
Tricia Moss
Freda Miller
Martin Inkstand:
Jack McCorkell
Doug Hollingworth
Alastair Fyall
Jean Storer
Norma Cairns-Smith:
David Kerr
Alison Young
Derek Gilbertson
John Steven
Sheriff’s Medal at Points:  Jamie Mason

Howie Cup (Mixed Doubles):
Dave McIntyre and Mara Lindsay

Letton Bonspiel:
Jack McCorkell
Betty Beardall
Jack Shanks
Kay Bennet